Are you tired of letting fear, anxiety and insecurity intrude in your life? Do you often feel alone? Maybe you are struggling with a specific issue, or just simply want to grow and improve. Whatever brought you here, please use this website to help you decide if it makes sense to call me. My name is Dr. Alexander Alperin and I believe we can create a partnership that can help you achieve your goals. I work with adolescents, adults, and couples who suffer from depression, anxiety, and numerous other conditions. Many of my clients have felt pleased with our work together, even after having expressed doubts about therapy (including those with a history of unsuccessful therapeutic experiences). Through the creation of an open, non-judgmental, and trusting relationship, my goal is to help you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings. What you tell me will remain confidential. Please call 201-873-7556 for a free phone consultation.
Places to get started
"Poor man wanna be rich,
Rich man wanna be king,
And a king ain't satisfied,"
- Bruce Springsteen
Meet Alexander Alperin
Education and Experience
I received my B.A. from Rutgers College and my Masters (Psy.M.) and Doctoral (Psy.D.) degrees from the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology (GSAPP) at Rutgers University.
At GSAPP, I work as a researcher and supervise and teach psychology doctoral candidates. I am a licensed psychologist in New Jersey (License # 6064) and New York (License # 022823-1). I have been trained in psychoanalysis, psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.